2012, Number 5
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salud publica mex 2012; 54 (5)
HPV vaccine acceptability and knowledge among gynecologists in Argentina
Mazzadi A, Paolino M, Arrossi S
Language: Spanish
References: 29
Page: 515-522
PDF size: 229.91 Kb.
Objective. To evaluate HPV vaccine acceptability and prescription; knowledge about HPV vaccine; and knowledge about HPV infection and cervical cancer among Argentinean gynecologists.
Materials and methods. Between November 2009 and March 2010 we carried out an internet survey of 686 gynecologists.
Results. More than 80% of gynecologists prescribed HPV vaccine, knew characteristics of HPV vaccines, and knew that women will still need regular cervical cancer screening after HPV vaccination; 37% had global knowledge about relationship between vaccine, detection and treatment of cervical cancer; 25% underestimated the epidemiological extent of HPV infections, ≈30% was not aware of the causative relationship between HPV infection and cervical cancer and ≈40% had global knowledge about management of HPV infection.
Conclusions. HPV vaccine acceptability is high. Physicians need to be fully informed on HPV vaccination and cervical cancer as well as HPV infection management.
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