2011, Number 4
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Enfermería Universitaria 2011; 8 (4)
The model of health promotion proposed by Nola Pender. A reflection on your understanding
Aristizábal HGP, Blanco BDM, Sánchez RA, Ostiguín MRM
Language: Spanish
References: 44
Page: 16-23
PDF size: 338.57 Kb.
Comprehension of theories and Nursing Models comprise a wide range of discussions contributing to the growth of discipline. The model of health promotion proposed by Nola Pender is widely used by Nursing professionals; as it leads to the understanding of human behavior related to health; it also leads to the development of healthy behavior. The aim of this work is to perform an analysis of the original articles published regarding this model, carried out between 2000 and 2010 in America identifying the most relevant issues stated under such publications, and the ways it is interpreted in real practice.
Research performed from this model in the above stated period of time, is mostly used in Brazil, the United States and Mexico. The groups of people widely involved are youngsters, adults and elders, most used topics are: physical activity, healthy life styles, chronicle diseases and the application of the model instruments, most of the researches use the whole of the concepts expressed in the model for the interpretation of the surveyed phenomenon.
Nurses and Sociologists are the professionals performing most of the research of this model. An increase of HMP (Health Model Promotion) research has been detected in the last decade, evidencing the interest of these experts to understand the Promotional Health Behaviors, as well as the motivational aspects that lead them to perform them.
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