2011, Number 4
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Enfermería Universitaria 2011; 8 (4)
Educational formation and professional development. For graduates of Unique Nursing Specialization Plan
Reyna Matus MR, Balseiro AL, Zárate GRA, García CM, Balan GC
Language: Spanish
References: 12
Page: 8-15
PDF size: 232.63 Kb.
Objective: considering the perception of graduates from the Unique Nursing Specialization Plan (UNSP), analyze the contribution extent of this program to their professional development.
Methodology: a Likert-scale instrument was designed to assess the perceived professional development. The content validated questionnaire included 24 items related to four dimensions: Responsibility, Autonomy, Teamwork, and Working-Positioning. General characteristics and working-place details were also gathered. A sample of 417/1067 graduates from the 1997-2007 generations was formed and descriptive and inferential statistics were used for the analysis.
Results: most graduates work in 3rd level attention public institutions and, according to their perception, have position-proportional earnings and perform activities directly related to care. An association between having obtained a specialization degree and holding a corresponding working-position or higher responsibility activity was observed. The best placed specializations turned out to be newly born, cardiovascular, and children nursing.
Discussion: labor-insertion of UNSP’S graduates corresponds to the program expectations, and according to their perception, this academic formation gives them responsibility, autonomy and teamwork skills, but they feel they can receive more institutional and colleagues acknowledgement and thus manage better working-positions.
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