2012, Number 4
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Bol Med Hosp Infant Mex 2012; 69 (4)
Shaping a new strategy against B. pertussis: a public health problem in Mexico
Suárez-Idueta L, Herbas-Rocha I, Gómez-Altamirano CM, Richardson-López CV
Language: Spanish
References: 57
Page: 314-320
PDF size: 140.49 Kb.
Despite vaccination against pertussis, there are still a large number of pertussis deaths worldwide. Waning vaccine-induced immunity and the gradual increase in reported incidence among adolescents and adults have supported the role of these age groups in the transmission. Several countries have implemented a booster vaccination in order to reduce transmission and clinical significance. Pertussis is a current public health problem in Mexico. The clinical suspicion in toddlers, adolescents and adults, delayed or incomplete vaccination series and diagnosis confirmation are the most important challenges for pertussis control. The introduction of new vaccination strategies in adults and adolescents as well as pregnant women should improve disease control.
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