1999, Number 2
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An Med Asoc Med Hosp ABC 1999; 44 (2)
Craniocorpography in post-traumatic vertigo
Said J, Izita A, González A, Meneses A
Language: Spanish
References: 41
Page: 64-71
PDF size: 210.64 Kb.
Neuro otological clinical manifestations of post-traumatic vestibular lesions may appear in different ways. In severe cases, peripheral and central vestibular and brainstem disorders can occur. Accidental head injury and its sequelae constitute a major medical problem in Europe and America for wich the craniocorpography is a simple and faster method for evaluating the vestibular function than the computerized electronystagmography. In order to define the utility of this study in the evaluation of the side and the localization of the lesion we performed both studies in a group of patients with post-traumatic vertigo. In our study, patients with spinal and pelvic lesions were shut out. Post traumatic vertigo was found more frequently in male patients (ratio 2:1). Our results showed that lateral deviation and late-ral angulation, right or left, are correlated with the side of the peripheral and central lesion. The craniocorpography was a helpful test in the diagnosis of central and peripheral lesions of the vestibular system which are secondary to head trauma.
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