2000, Number 4
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An Med Asoc Med Hosp ABC 2000; 45 (4)
Platelet receptor blockers of IIb/IIIa glycoproteins in ischemic cardiopathy
Espinosa FR, Pavía LAA
Language: Spanish
References: 21
Page: 200-204
PDF size: 51.14 Kb.
Platelet glycoprotein IIb/IIIa blockers have shown to be useful in coronary unstable syndromes. We review important multicentric studies that show evidence about the benefit utility of these drugs. New options in the treatment by using a combination of lower dosis of fibrinolitics and glycoproteins IIb/IIIa, have reached more posibilities of reperfusion, the epicardic coronaries and the microcirculation and quickness in obtaining TIMI 3 flow. We suggest the prescription of these substances in the multiple clinical conditions of unestable coronary syndromes.
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