2011, Number 1
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Biotecnol Apl 2011; 28 (1)
Glycosylation and Bioinformatics: current status for glycosylation prediction tools
Mazola Y, Chinea G, Musacchio A
Language: English
References: 99
Page: 6-12
PDF size: 213.17 Kb.
Glycosylation is an important co-and post-translational modification involved in a variety of critical biological processes. The development of computational algorithms for protein glycosylation prediction has been propelled in the latest years. The localization of potential glycosylated sites facilitates the rational alteration of glycosylationrelated functions in cells. This manuscript gives an overview of current available bioinformatics resources and databases for glycobiology, focusing on glycosylation predictors. As a complement, general features about the different glycosylation types are also exposed.
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