2012, Number 2
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Rev Latinoam Psiquiatría 2012; 11 (2)
Fenproporex en el tratamiento de la obesidad y la hiperfagia por estrés
Verduzco FW
Language: Spanish
References: 62
Page: 46-51
PDF size: 163.32 Kb.
Background: The use of drugs for the treatment of obesity is object of great debate. Following the ban on amphetamines, fenproporex (3 - [1-methyl-2-phenylethylamine] propionitrile) is one of the first molecules developed as a substitute due to its anorexigenic action. Despite its addictive potential, it is currently used in many countries. It has been suggested that its combination with diazepam could improve the efficacy due to the significant association between stress and hyperphagia as causes of obesity.
Objective: Define the current role of fenproporex as a pharmacological alternative for the treatment of obesity and its combination with diazepam in the treatment of hyperphagia due to stress.
Methodology: An automated search was carried out in OVID with the key words fenproporex, diazepam, polyphagia, stress, obesity and mental health. Sixty-three articles were chosen.
Results: There is evidence in medical literature supporting the use of fenproporex in combination with diazepam for the treatment of obesity.
Conclusions: Although the use of these formulations is still controversial, factors such as clinical experience, a broad knowledge about their action mechanism and the patient profile, are crucial for its prescription. Patients should be controlled and monitored periodically by the clinician in order to avoid misuse and potential serious adverse effects.
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