2012, Number 1
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Rev Mex Enf Cardiol 2012; 20 (1)
Risk factors that influence the falls in hospitalized patients
Tapia CML, Salazar CMC, Cortés VG, Martínez SH
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 7-11
PDF size: 53.28 Kb.
Introduction: The world alliance for patient safety established measurements to reduce the number of adverse events that patients suffer when in medical attention, among them there are the falls that are defined as any event which sends the patient to the floor against his will.
Objective: Identify the factors that influence the falls in the hospitalized patient.
Material and methods: A descriptive, transversal and retrospective study from January to December 2008; there were included 7 cases of hospitalized patients who suffer falls. An instrument to collect data from the base of the Health care Quality Department and from the patients’ files that suffer falls was created. Variables: Age, sex, neurologic status, accompaniment, risk of falling, security measurements, place of falling, lesions.
Results: 5, 753 patients were admitted, 39 of them fell while in the hospital; 72% was older than 50 years, 56% were male; 31% fell from a recliner; 100% were in alertness, and 74% were alone. The 92% had a high risk of falling.
Conclusions: The study identify as factors of falling the staying on the recliner from patients older than 50, assed with a high risk of falling. These data show that there are opportunity areas for the assessment, communication, monitoring, because of this is necessary to emphasize the correct way to carry out the prevention standard for fallings.
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