2010, Number 2
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Rev Hematol Mex 2010; 11 (2)
Placental blood banks: public or private?
Saltiel C
Language: Spanish
References: 39
Page: 123-131
PDF size: 83.88 Kb.
Placental blood banks for public access have turned into services of paramount importance for the activity of Hematopoietic Progenitor Cell transplantation worldwide, specially for those patients who do not have a HLA identical sibling. In the last decade, commercial placental blood banks have proliferated in Latin America, offering cord blood cryopreservation services for autologous use, under the premises of the rather remote risk that the newborn could need it in the future. In their advertising campaigns they award benefits to the autologous cord transplants which actually correspond to allogeneic ones while exploiting the emotional vulnerabilities of the parents during the pregnancy. This highly profit activity might put under risk the trustworthiness of cord blood banking activity. Once people become disappointed of that deceitful offer of "biological insurance", they could doubt about the validity of supporting altruistic cord blood donation. It becomes necessary to legislate with unified criteria in Latin America and to create blood cord banks for public access under governments support. Fortunately, some successful initiatives have already arisen in some of our countries.
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