2011, Number 4
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Rev Cubana Plant Med 2011; 16 (4)
Development of a technology for obtaining the Momordica charantia L. aqueous extract
Salomón IS, López HOD, González SML
Language: Spanish
References: 14
Page: 304-312
PDF size: 160.97 Kb.
Introduction: Momordica charantia L. aqueous extracts have scientifically-confirmed therapeutical potential, which makes it possible to use it in the treatment of several diseases, particulary diabetes. Obtaining a standardized extract is of great importance to reproduce it at industrial scale and also to obtain a pharmaceutically active ingredient (FAI) for the development of orally administered finished forms.
Objectives: to develop a technology at lab scale to obtain standardized aqueous extract from Momordica charantia L.
Methods: the study of the operational parameters (vegetal matter-solvent ration and extraction time) was performed in a lab reactor designed according to the dimensions of an industrial reactor, with a 3-level surface design of factorial response (3^2).
Results: the studied factors significantly influence the extraction process in which time is the most influential. There exists direct proportion between vegetal matter-solvent ration and the content of extracted solids, being the latter inversely proportionate to the extraction time. The highest content of extracted solids was reached with vegetal matter-solvent ratio of 1:25 and extraction time of 0.5 hours.
Conclusions: the operational conditions that support the highest solid extraction in obtaining the aqueous extract at the experimental phase were determined when the vegetal matter-solvent ratio and the extraction time were 1:25 and 0.5 hours respectively.
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