2012, Number 2
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Rev Enferm IMSS 2012; 20 (2)
Present status of functional, mental and social abilities of institutionalized elders in Colima, Mexico
Velasco-Rodríguez R, Godinez-Gomez R, Mendoza-Pérez RC, Torres-López MM, Moreno-Gutiérrez I, Hilerio-Lopez ÁG
Language: Spanish
References: 25
Page: 91-96
PDF size: 169.84 Kb.
Introduction: In Mexico, an older adult is a person who is sixty years of age or older. The number of individuals in this sector is increasing demographically in the national and international setting. Therefore their welfare should be a health priority regardless of whether they are in public or private eldercare facilities.
Objective: To identify the effect of aging on functional, mental, and social status of older adults residing in four facilities in the State of Colima.
Methodology: A descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out on 149 residents at four eldercare facilities in the State of Colima. After obtaining informed consent, information was collected on the individuals who fit inclusion criteria using three validated scales (Barthel, Folstein and Diaz-Veiga). Study variables were analyzed with descriptive statistics and sex-based comparison was done with chi square test.
Results: Of the total study population, more than 50% presented some degree of deterioration in the evaluated abilities. The Barthel scale reported 16 completely independent adults out of the total number, while the rest presented some degree of functional dependency. Folstein scale registered only 47 out of 143 adults as mentally fit, and the Diaz-Veiga scale results registered one 126 out of one 141 adults with some degree of social deterioration. Sex-based differences were not statistically significant for any of the scales.
Conclusions: Elder people do not incorporate voluntarily to recreational and care activities that nursing professional offers them since aging has affected in an important way functional, mental and social abilities.
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