2011, Number 2
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VacciMonitor 2011; 20 (2)
Adverse event surveillance of the polysaccharide meningococcal A and C vaccine during a vaccination campaign in Niger
Rodríguez MC, Cuevas IE, Mirabal M, Ruíz L
Language: Spanish
References: 17
Page: 17-23
PDF size: 294.83 Kb.
Immunoprophylaxis is the choice strategy for the prevention and control of meningococcal meningitis epidemics
caused by Neisseria meningitidis serogroup A in the so-called meningitis belt of Africa, a disease that reaches
high rates of morbidity and mortality. The lyophilized purified polysaccharide vaccine from Neisseria meningitidis
serogroups A and C was produced as a result of a collaboration agreement between Finlay Institute, Center for
Research, Development and Production of Vaccines, Cuba and the Institute of Technology and Bio-
Immunobiologicals Manguinhos of Brazil, at the request of the World Health Organization to meet the needs of the
vaccine in African countries in health emergencies. In the vaccination campaign carried out during an outbreak in
Niger in 2009, a study of pharmacovigilance was conducted to describe the adverse events following the
administration of this product to 303 037 people. Two methods were used to collect adverse events (spontaneous
reporting and intensive search in hospitals). A total of 81 adverse events were reported, only 11% were under the
category «induced by the vaccine» and considered «very probably related» to this. The results show that the
vaccine used in the immunization campaign in Niger is safe, has low reactogenicity and their safety profile
corresponds to that described in the sanitary medical registry in Brazil.
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