2012, Number 4
Bronchial Obstructive Syndrome in the child aged less than 2 years old. Integral Health Area Jose Felix Rivas. Cojedes State, Venezuela. 2007-2008
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 427-438
PDF size: 68.45 Kb.
We carried out a descriptive prospective study of the patients assisted at the urgency consultation of the Integral Health Area Jose Felix Rivas of the municipality San Carlos, Cojedes States, Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, presenting Bronchial Obstructive Syndrome, in the period from November 1st 2007 to October 31st 2008 with the objective of characterizing the patients according to the clinical and epidemiological variables, and establishing a treatment strategy for their management in the urgency consultations of the integral health areas. We analyzed 200 cards where we registered genre, age, pathologic antecedents, and also the characteristics of the current disease. 80 % of the patients were less than 1 year old. In more than half of them, we treated the first bronchi-obstructive episode of a short term disease, generally classified as mild or moderated. The diagram of treatment and decisions applied to the Bronchial Obstructive Syndrome, according to the intensity level in accordance with the Modified Tal Scale, was very efficacious. In relation to the etiologic causes it was evidenced that the acute respiratory infections of possible viral causes are the most frequent.REFERENCES
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