2012, Number 4
Oxidative damage in an experimental model of saccharose-induced hyperglycemia and hyperlipidemia in Wistar rats
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 406-146
PDF size: 80.28 Kb.
We carried out an experimental research of cases and controls in the period from November 2010 to May 2011, with the objective of characterizing the behavior of the oxidative damage in an experimental model of saccharose-induced hyperglycemia and hyperlipidemia in Wistar rats in the Unit of Experimental Toxicology of the Medical Sciences University of Villa Clara. We used male rats as biological model, with the objective of evaluating the saccharose- induced oxidative activity. The model was set up on the basis of a diet rich in saccharose, and for that there were calculated the hemolysis, photohemolysis percentages and the susceptibility to substances with hemolytic effects. We found an increase in the glycemia and triacilglyceride values of the rats in the studied group, with significant differences in those of the control group. There were also found significant differences between the both studied groups in the tests of susceptibility to the hemolysis and photohemolysis. There it was a significant increase in the glycemia and triacilglycerides levels related with the saccharose-enriched diet. We observed significant increases in the percentages values of the hemolysis in the tests of susceptibility to the hemolysis and photohemolysis, and in the first case it corresponded with the group receiving a saccharose- enriched diet. There it was a strong correlation between the triglycerides level of the studied group in the last month of the research and the values obtained in the photohemolysis test.REFERENCES
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