2012, Number 08
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MediSan 2012; 16 (08)
Violence against the woman in the community
Poll CM, Alonso PH, Mederos ÁME
Language: Spanish
References: 13
Page: 1267-1273
PDF size: 219.18 Kb.
A descriptive and cross-sectional study of 1 128 women who were victims of some type of family violence, belonging to the Basic Work Group No. 2 of "Ramón López Peña" Teaching Polyclinic (Veguita de Galo People´s Council) was carried out from May, 2008 to August, 2010, with the aim of characterizing them according to some relevant biopsychosocial aspects related with this health problem. The gathering of the primary data took place through the anonymous interview and among the evaluated variables there were: school level, occupation, marital status and family functionality. A primacy of low educational level, housewives, disfunctional families and the psychological violence committed by the husbands was obtained, from what it was concluded that the problem was present in a significant number of females of this health area and in consequence it should be treated diferently by the women´s organizations and the health authorities.
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