2011, Number 3
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VacciMonitor 2011; 20 (3)
A single dose of live-attenuated 638 Vibrio cholerae oral vaccine is safe and immunogenic in adult volunteers in Mozambique
García HM, Thompson R, Valera R, Fando R, Fumane J, Jani I, Mirabal M, Armesto MI, Songane M, Luis S, Nzualo AM, Celeste J, Viegas S, Samo GE, Melembe A, Bila D, Cemá C, Mabumo C, García L, Cedré B, Año G, Martínez JC, Mandarioti A, Lugones J, González D, Baró M, Hernández J, Talavera A, Solis RL, Sierra G, Barberá R, Domínguez F, Gutiérrez C, Campa C, Garrido I, Menéndez J
Language: English
References: 27
Page: 1-8
PDF size: 154.16 Kb.
A placebo-controlled randomized, double-blind, clinical trial was carried out to assess the safety, reactogenicity,
and immunogenicity of the lyophilized vaccine candidate against cholera derived from the live attenuated 638
Vibrio cholerae O1 El Tor Ogawa strain. One hundred and twenty presumably healthy female and male adult
volunteers aged between 18 and 50 years were included. They were from Maputo, Mozambique a cholera endemic
area, where, in addition, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) seroprevalence is from 20 to 30%. A dose of 2 x 109
colony forming units (CFU) was given to 80 subjects and other 40 received only vaccine lyoprotectors as a placebo
control. Out-patient follow-up of adverse events was carried out during the following 30 days after vaccination.
The immune response was evaluated by the estimation of seroconversion rate and the geometric mean titer
(GMT) of vibriocidal antibodies in the sera from volunteers that was collected previously, and at days 14 and 21
after immunization. No serious adverse events were reported. The adverse events found in the vaccine group
were similar to those of the placebo groups. They were independent from the detection of antibodies against
HIV-1, HIV-2, hepatitis (H) A; HC and hepatitis B surface antigen. The presence of helminthes did not modify the
incidence of adverse events. The 638 vaccine strain was isolated in 37 (46.25%) vaccinated volunteer’s feces. The
peak of the GMT of vibriocidal antibodies in the vaccine group was 9056 versus 39 in the placebo group at 14 days
with a total serocon
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