2012, Number 3
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Rev cubana med 2012; 51 (3)
Benefits of therapeutic physical exercise in patients with sequelae of cerebrovascular disease
Rodríguez ML, Díaz CR
Language: Spanish
References: 28
Page: 258-266
PDF size: 52.48 Kb.
A bibliographic review was conducted to determine the effect of therapeutic physical exercise on patients with sequelae of cerebrovascular disease. To achieve such an end, the concepts of physical activity and physical status were defined and their attributes described, as well as their expression in stroke patients. As a form of rehabilitation, physical exercise contributes to improve those attributes, bringing about favorable changes in the neurological and functional status of patients. A number of studies are cited, both national and foreign, in which evidence is provided to support such an assertion, particularly in patients with an evolution of more than 6 months after the stroke. In those cases, evidence is still not sufficient, and recommendations are made with the purpose of improving the design of studies, considering that the topic is a difficult one, due to the complexity of the treatment. Emphasis is made on studies approaching neuroplasticity as a functional basis of the changes brought about by therapeutic physical exercise.
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