2009, Number 3
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Rev Med Inst Mex Seguro Soc 2009; 47 (3)
Pneumonia and Its Social Representations
Hamui-Sutton A, Nellen-Hummel H, Fernández-Ortega MÁ, Halabe-Cherem J
Language: Spanish
References: 17
Page: 341-347
PDF size: 43.44 Kb.
Objective: to correlate the sociostructural variables with the knowledge about pneumonia and to explore the social representations about the etiology, prevention, development and treatment in poor communities.
Methods: a survey in 848 adults from seven Rural Health Centers affiliated to IMSS-Oportunidades Program in four States, was carried out.
Results: one third of the sample did not understand the term pneumonia; 35 % of the patients with risk factors did not know its etiology; 43 % did not know about associated complications but 85 % considered that it causes death. The use of antibiotics was recognized as a therapeutic measure by 78 % and 20 % did not know how to prevent pneumonia.
Conclusion: the findings showed a positive attitude to immunization but an inadequate information about respiratory diseases. In neighborhoods with insufficient public services (purified water, electricity and paved roads) the ignorance about pneumonia tended to increase.
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