2009, Number 3
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Rev Med Inst Mex Seguro Soc 2009; 47 (3)
Relationship Between Functional Social Support and Vital Satisfaction in the Enderly
Cadenas-Salazar R, Villarreal-Ríos E, Vargas-Daza ER, Martínez-González L, Galicia-Rodríguez L
Language: Spanish
References: 22
Page: 311-314
PDF size: 29.13 Kb.
Background: to determine the relationship between functional social support and vital satisfaction of the elder retirement adult.
Methods: comparative cross-sectional study in retired adults aged 60 years and more. Two groups were integrated (high and low satisfaction) evaluated with Moral Scale of Satisfaction of the Geriatric Center of Philadelphia modified and validated by Montorio. The sample size was calculated with comparative cross-sectional studies formula, presence of the social support of 80 % in the group of high satisfaction and 50 % in the one of low satisfaction (
n = 29). The selection was made at random using the payroll listing of retirees. Social demographic variables were studied. Relationship between the retirement and functional social support was evaluated with the scale of Functional Social Support of Duker-UNC-11.
Results: sociodemographic characteristics and those related to the retirement did not present significant statistical differences (p › 0.05) in the groups of high and low satisfaction. There was an association between the functional social support and the vital satisfaction with odds ratio of 3.00 (IC 95 % = 1.08-8.32).
Conclusions: Functional social support and vital satisfaction in the elderly were associated.
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