2012, Number 2
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Rev Cubana Med Gen Integr 2012; 28 (2)
Tuberculosis, mortality behavior in patients aged 60 and over
Fernández FM, Jané LA, Rodríguez VL, Carreras CL, García CH
Language: Spanish
References: 22
PDF size: 55.25 Kb.
Introduction: despite the knowledge gained on tuberculosis, this condition is still the cause of death for many patients.
Objective: to describe the mortality behavior of tuberculosis in dead patients older than 60.
Methods: an investigation was conducted on 51 deceased patients who died of tuberculosis from 2005 to 2008 in Havana City. The information was obtained by reviewing the Hygiene and Epidemiology Department tuberculosis database at Havana Public Health Provincial Direction.
Results: this research showed that 41.2 % of the patients died at 70 to 79 years old; there was male predominance (74.5 %). Weight loss was associated in 47.1 % of the cases. 68.2 % had the diagnosis in secondary care level and pulmonary tuberculosis accounted for 96.1% of cases diagnosed when alive. Positive acid-fast bacilli resistant (77.8 %) was predominant and 100 % were new cases.
Conclusions: although primary health care is fully structured throughout our country, the results of this study suggest the need for a strengthening in detecting this disease at this level of health care as a priority.
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