2012, Number 2
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Rev Cubana Estomatol 2012; 49 (2)
Acute periapical lesions in adult patients
Fernández CME, Vila MD, Rodríguez SA, Mesa GDL, Pérez CNG
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 107-116
PDF size: 91.69 Kb.
A cross-sectional and analytical study was conducted in the health area of the "27 de Noviembre" of Marianao municipality, La Habana, from January to December, 2009 including all patients came to emergency service presenting with acute periapical lesions. Information on following variables was available: age, sex, dental group, cause of disease, clinical features and oral hygiene. This latter was classified in the efficient and deficient categories according to the simplified index of oral hygiene. To estimate the relation between the variables and the comparison of ratios to contrast the hypothesis on potential differences among periapical lesions for the category of variables of dental group, cause of disease and clinical features. The was predominance of the acute periapical abscess in a 84.7% of the 35-39 age group and of male sex, although there were not significant differences for these variables neither in dental groups regarding the disease. The oral hygiene was related to periapical lesions. There were significant differences in periapical lesions regarding all the study causes, except for the periodontal diseases. Regarding the clinical features there was significance as regards the increase of volume of the vestibular groove fundus and tooth mobility.
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