2012, Number 1
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Enf Neurol (Mex) 2012; 11 (1)
Burnout syndrome among nursing teaching personnel
Basset MI, Estévez RRA
Language: Spanish
References: 56
Page: 39-46
PDF size: 94.35 Kb.
The syndrome of Burnout has been defined as a response to the stressful chronic labor situation that takes place, mainly, within the framework of the labor market of the professions that are centered in the benefit of services, not saving of this situation those professionals of the specific health and in the educational personnel who prepares continuously to the future generations of the health in educative scenes. The objective of these professions is to take care of the interests or to satisfy the necessities with the student in anyone of the educational levels, characterizing itself by the direct bonding with the students. The present article must like objective make a documentary investigation about the index of the syndrome of Burnout in the educational personnel. The article revision was used for the knowledge of the himself related to the subject.
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