2012, Number 1
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Enf Neurol (Mex) 2012; 11 (1)
Format of records clinical nursing
Servín ME, Cano LRE, Valencia DE, Durán IL, Monroy TMR, Chávez AMR, Castelán FM, Espinoza VML, Serralde RAR, Medel CMP, Bernal BME, Lauro MA, Jacobo VC, Cruz GMC
Language: Spanish
References: 13
Page: 14-20
PDF size: 75.41 Kb.
Introduction: Clinical records are documentary evidence on nursing actions and professional conduct, which is recognized all the information about the nursing activity, which refers to the patient their diagnosis, treatment and outcome. These are carried out in a new format (instrument) that serves as a forensic document to comply with NOM-168-SSA-1998 as part of the clinical record, is used to record the interventions play, based on the Nursing Process, it records the care provided to the person who will be wiretapped; thereby, ensuring patient safety according to the fourth goal in the proposed International Safe Surgery and record the same continuity of care rational and systematic way and to encourage the quality of care and being an objective test of care are provided. It is based on Orem’s theory.
Objective: Analyze the needs of nurses for the design of an instrument of surgical nursing clinical records.
Methodology: Qualitative supported by phenomenology, was conducted meetings surgical nurses morning shift with over 30 years of experts to design an instrument of surgical nursing clinical records.
Results: The group of experts to complete the design of format is given to assess colleagues who will use it and amended twice by direct interview, establishing its feasibility through staff surveys surgical area.
Conclusions: instrument surgical clinical record meets the criteria for patient safety through international targets and comply with NOM-168-SSA-1998 from clinical files, allows you to record all care is provided during the course of surgery.
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