2012, Number 1
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Rev Enferm IMSS 2012; 20 (1)
Job satisfaction of nursing staff in the administrative area
Gómez-Cardona JP, Becerra-de Anda MML, Beltrán-Márquez JMG, García-Luévano BE, Gómez-Olmos MT
Language: Spanish
References: 11
Page: 5-9
PDF size: 98.70 Kb.
Introduction: There are motivational factors inherent to work directly related to job satisfaction, and extrinsic factors that cannot be controlled or directly modified by the employee.
Objective: To determine the level of job satisfaction among nursing staff in the administrative area of a second level of attention hospital in the state of Aguascalientes.
Methodology: Descriptive, transversal, prospective and correlational study. It was performed using a non probabilistic, convenience sample consisting of 40 nurses from the administrative area. An instrument called «Assessment of job satisfaction level form» (Briseno 1988) was used; it was modified and validated with the KR 20 test with a score of 0.96. Data analysis was performed using the statistical package Minitab version 15.
Results: 43% of the nursing administration staff refers to be very satisfied, 38% are fairly satisfied, 16% are a little satisfied and 3% are not satisfied.
Conclusions: The variables with greater satisfaction levels were: work, salary, co-workers, service and shift. The items with lowest satisfaction level are: bosses and superiors, promotion opportunities, incentives and work organization. In the crossing of variables the ones that showed greater dependence were salary and promotion opportunities, type of work and bosses and superiors, kind of work with service area, co-workers and organization.
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