2012, Number 2
Demands for Medical Care in the Emergency Subsystem of the Area # V Polyclinic during the 2007 – 2009 Triennium
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 42-49
PDF size: 92.38 Kb.
Background: Prehospitalary emergency systems have been for quite long a method for early medical care aimed at reducing mortality. Information on medical assistance in emergency departments shows a worldwide growth in the demands for this service. Objective: To determine the behavior of the demands for medical care in an emergency subsystem. Methods: A descriptive, retrospective and longitudinal study was conducted at the Emergencies Subsystem of Area # V Polyclinic of Cienfuegos. Statistical records from 2007 to 2009 were used to obtain the total amount of patients who attended for suspected medical emergencies. We analyzed the demands for medical attention according to each year and month, exact hour of consultation, classification according to risk for life and diagnosis. Results: Demands for medical care increased with the years in the period studied, the hours of greatest demand were those of the night and the most treated age group was that from 15 to 59 years old. Acute respiratory infections were the most consulted condition and the most followed behavior was outpatient medical treatment. During the years included in the study referrals increased gradually and observation room was less frequently used. Conclusions: Emergency Subsystem improvement in Primary Health Care has led to increased demands for emergency care at the Area # V Polyclinic of Cienfuegos.REFERENCES
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