2012, Number 2
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Rev Esp Med Quir 2012; 17 (2)
Level of knowledge of health personnel about palliative care
Medina ZLE, Cruz CAM, Sánchez SME, González PAA
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 109-114
PDF size: 456.66 Kb.
Background: In Mexico, palliative medicine is not one of the health priorities. Our institutions lack knowledge about the physical, psychological, social, and spiritual needs of the terminal patients and their families. A lack of knowledge of the health professionals on the palliative care is recognized.
Objective: To evaluate the level of knowledge on the palliative care of the health personal on the three levels of medical attention assisting terminal patients or bad prognosis on chronic degenerative illnesses.
Participants and methods: Transversal, analytical study. All the personnel that works on diabetic clinics and gerontological modules on the first level units, and hospital extensions, pain clinic, oncology, and geriatrics on the second and third level of attention in the participating units. A questionnaire validating knowledge about the topic was applied. We used the T student and Anova with a level of significance of 0.05.
Results: Seven percent obtained an acceptable result on total knowledge, 16.7% had knowledge about pain, and 28.5% had general knowledge. We got significant differences with the professional profile and the general care knowledge areas (
p = 0.004), pain (
p = 0.001), and total (
p = 0.001), and the working site and the spiritual (
p = 0.034) and pain (
p = 0.002) knowledge.
Conclusions: We identified the need to enable the health personnel that doesn’t know how to approach a terminal patient in his final stage or patients with chronic degenerative processes to give support to the patients and their families.
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