2012, Number 1
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Rev Cub Oftal 2012; 25 (1)
Results of the cataract surgery in patients undergoing vitrectomy with silicone oil
Veitia RZA, Gómez AAC, Hernández SJR, Bauza FY, López HI
Language: Spanish
References: 34
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Objective: To describe the results of cataract surgery results in patients who had undergone vitrectomy with silicone oil.
Methods: A prospective and descriptive study was performed in 50 eyes from 49 patients who had previously undergone vitrectomy with silicone oil, and later had required cataract surgery at “Ramón Pando Ferrer”, Cuban Institute of Ophthalmology from September 2008 to November 2009. Several variables were analyzed such as the expected and obtained spherical component with and without silicone oil, the keratometric differences and the resulting astigmatism, the morphological and morphometric changes in the corneal endothelium, the best uncorrected and corrected visual acuity and transoperative and postoperative complications. The results were provided in absolute and relative frequencies, arithmetic means and standard deviation.
Results: The male group predominated as well as the 51 – 60y age group. The silicone oil caused hypercorrection in average spherical component of 4.08 D, which was reduced to the expected emmetropia ranges when the silicone oil was removed. There were no significant postoperative differences in keratometry and the resultant astigmatism was minimal (O.31 D). All the patients improved their best uncorrected and corrected visual acuity after surgery. There was minimal loss of endothelial cells (6.4 %) and the variability of pleomorphism and polymegatism remained within the preoperative classified range. The posterior capsule opacity was the most common complication (62 %).
Conclusion: Optical coherence biometry and fourth-generation formulas allow obtaining good predictability in the calculation of intraocular lens in special cases such as the ones that undergo vitrectomy with silicon oil.
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