2012, Number 1
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Rev Méd Electrón 2012; 34 (1)
Behavior of the epidemics in the Cholera Treatment Center in the commune of Plaisance, Haiti. November 2010-February 2011
de Armas RL, Ponce VA
Language: Spanish
References: 18
PDF size: 142.74 Kb.
We carried out a descriptive work on the behavior of the cholera in the commune of Plaisance of the North Department of Haiti, from November 22nd 2010 to February 28th 2011, with the objective of determining the behavior of some variables related with the cholera, demographically characterizing the studied sample and determining the cholera tendency in that commune. The universe was formed by the 1 312 new cases of cholera found in the studied period. 42 % of the new cholera cases entered the center for the parenteral way treatment, there were not significant differences in relation with the genre; the most affected age group was the > 15 years one with 63,57 %; there were not deceases among the 551 entered patients, and the tendency decreased beginning from the first week of the creation of the Cholera Treatment Center, where we developed an intense educative and prophylactic work.
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