2012, Number 2
Malnutrition per defect in a new born caused by maternal puerperal psychosis: presentation of a case
Language: Spanish
References: 11
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In the following work we carried out the follow up of a child since the stage of newborn up to the age of 1 year by malnutrition per defect, caused by maternal puerperal psychosis. In this case, the mother rejected the child, refusing to feed him, depriving the child of something so important in this life stage as the exclusive maternal breastfeeding. The child received a complementary feeding to achieve an adequate weight increase and a psychomotor development equal to the health children of the same age in a short period of time, without sequels that could damage his posterior development. It was necessary to give the child a differentiated care by a multidisciplinary team formed by the integral general physician working in his family consultation, the podiatrist of the main working group, a nutritionist, rehabilitators of the Neurodevelopment Center, and an specialist in psychology/psychiatry for treating his mother. When the child was 5 month old he reached the normal weight, but he received an specialized follow up until he was one year.REFERENCES
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