2012, Number 2
Behavior of the scientific publication in the Revista Médica Electrónica. Years 2010 and 2011
Language: Spanish
References: 13
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The medical journals are, per excellence, the existent way for the experts in health branches to divulgate and disseminate the results of their investigations. The Revista Médica Electrónica is the official organ where the professionals of the province of Matanzas can publish the results of their investigations. With the objective of evaluating the indicators of the scientific activity in the years 2010 and 2011 in this journal, and comparing the results with a similar study previously developed, we made an analytic descriptive investigation with retrospective character. The studied population were all the articles published in the journal in the before-mentioned years. We found the total of the articles published per year and the typology of each one of them, looking for the specialty, filiation and place of origin of each main author. There were published 223 articles and there was a balance among the different kind of articles. The municipality with more publications was the municipality of Matanzas, and 5 municipalities do not reported publications. The specialty with more published works was the specialty of Integral General Medicine. Although the number of published works is higher with respect to the previous years, we should work to raise the scientific production in all the municipalities of the province, being necessary a bigger training and motivation, orientated to form a culture of publication in all the professionals of all the specialties. We recommend to develop similar studies in the future to asses the quality and productiveness of the Revista Médica Electrónica.REFERENCES
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