2012, Number 3
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Rev Méd Electrón 2012; 34 (3)
Emotional intelligence of the executives of the Matanzas University Camilo Cienfuegos
Quintana QZ, Martínez AE, Tápanes GW
Language: Spanish
References: 12
PDF size: 118.62 Kb.
To carry out this work, we took into account the importance of the topic emotional intelligence that has been treated by other authors in Cuba and in other countries. We made a cross-sectional, transversal study, with the objective of finding out the development stage of the personal and social aptitudes in the executives of the University of Matanzas Camilo Cienfuegos, building a map of the emotional intelligence and calculating the general coefficient of emotional intelligence. We found that in all the considered stratus, the coefficient of emotional intelligence was higher than 0,50, value accepted as reasonable. These results show that the current status of the emotional intelligence level in the before mentioned university has fissures or areas of improving opportunities, that have to be considered when designing a program aimed to its development.
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