2012, Number 1
Tobaccoism and adolescence
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 50-61
PDF size: 109.50 Kb.
A longitudinal, prospective study was performed, the sample consisted of 150 students of eighth grade randomly selected taking only into account the voluntary to participate in the investigation; excluding those students who were on medical certificates at the time of the study, those who were discharged or moved at that time. All belonging to "Fernando Mederos" Urban Secondary School in Güines Municipality during the period from January to December 2009. It was studied variables such as sex, age, motivations and situations that lead to smoking, use with other substances and the influence of family environment. As a result we obtained that the highest percentage of teenage smokers have an average age of 13 years, are male and that the family environment leads to make incursions into the habit. Most have a smoking relative and relate this habit with alcohol.REFERENCES
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