2012, Number 1
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Revista de Ciencias Médicas de la Habana 2012; 18 (1)
Influence of a diet rich in antioxidants in patients carriers of Ischaemic cardiopathy
Rodríguez CBB, Torres HMR, Gutiérrez ÁAA, Rodríguez MVM
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 3-11
PDF size: 104.48 Kb.
It was performed a longitudinal-analytic-observational and retrospective study, case-specific partial pairing control in patients over 30 years, suffering from Ischaemic cardiopathy, belonging to the Family Docto'rs Offices of North Güines area in order to determine the possible association between the intake of vitamin A, C and E and the presence of Ischaemic cardiopathy. It was selected a sample of 220 patients, 110 patients (cases of Ischaemic cardiopathy carriers) and 110 patients without Ischaemic cardiopathy (control group) of a universe of 1,100 patients in the period from January to December 2006. It was analyzed some general characteristics of the sample such as age, sex, race, and the behavior of coronary risk factors such as arterial hypertension (AHT), smoking habit, diabetes mellitus, hypercholesterolemia, which were included as confounding variables, as well as the intake of vitamin A, C and E (independent variable) and its relation to Ischaemic cardiopathy (dependent variable). Predominating the age group of 46 to 60 years, the white race and male sex in relation to the intake of Vitamin A, C and E showed the association between a wrong consumption of these and the prevalence of Ischaemic cardiopathy, and it is also in a multivariate analysis the most related to this pathology.
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