2012, Number 2
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Revista Cubana de Salud Pública 2012; 38 (2)
Economic assessment in health care and the decision-making in the health care context
Gálvez GAM, Garcia FA, Portuondo SC, Lara BC, Collazo HM
Language: Spanish
References: 23
Page: 253-262
PDF size: 136.67 Kb.
Objective: to identify the factors that strengthen and those factors that limit the adequate use of economic assessment as a function of the decision-making process in the Cuban health care system.
Methods: there was selected a group of professionals linked to the decision-making process at various contexts of the national health care system. Focal groups for each identified level were organized in addition to making in-depth interviews to chosen managers, physicians, professors and researchers to find their criteria on this issue.
Results: practical, methodological and administrative factors that either strengthen or limit the development of economic assessment nationwide were identified.
Conclusions: a number of actions were put forward to strengthen the use of economic assessment in health in the decision-making process in Cuba.
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