2012, Number 1
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Rev Cubana Plant Med 2012; 17 (1)
Characterization of Morinda citrifolia L. (noni) fruit
Rodrigues DL, Queiroz DPV, Andrade LG, Pereira SKJ, Mendonça V, Galdino DG
Language: Portugués
References: 15
Page: 93-100
PDF size: 55.34 Kb.
Text Extraction
Introduction: a Morinda citrifolia L. (noni) is a fruit that was recently introduced in Brazil, as a raw material with fort I appeal advertising due to all the beneficial characteristics attributed to it and the related benefits of its consumption.
Objectives: the objective of the present paper was to characterize noni fruits in three stages of maturation.
Methods: the fruits had been harvested in domestic orchards in the city of Mossoró-RN, in three stages of maturation, according to the color: green (green rind), breaker stage (yellowish green) and mature (yellowish white). For the characterization of the fruit, the following analyses were performed: fresh matter, longitudinal and transversal length, DL/DT, firmness and income of pulp, acid
ascorbic, soluble solids (SS), titratable acidity (AT), pH and SS/AT ratio. The experimental design was in randomized blocks, with three treatments and twelve repetitions of one (1) fruit for each parcel.
Results: the noni fruit has ovoid format, is succulent and presents several triangular red seeds. Considering the pulp, coloration change occurs, going from green to yellowish white color according to the ripeness of fruits. Regarding the obtained results, the stages present variability for almost all the physical and physical chemical characters.
Conclusions: the fruits that presented the best physical characteristics of mass and firmness of pulp, both for natural consumption and for agro-industrial processing are breaker stages and green fruits, with values of 56.33 g and 128.41 N, respectively. Noni is considered a rich source of vitamin C, presents high value of soluble solid when mature (10.33 Brix) and high soluble solids/titratable acidity ratio in all of the evaluated stages.
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