2012, Number 1
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Revista Cubana de Obstetricia y Ginecología 2012; 38 (1)
Pelvis inflammatory disease and the adolescence
Peláez MJ
Language: Spanish
References: 31
Page: 64-79
PDF size: 188.22 Kb.
The pelvis inflammatory disease (PID) is known as the infection of the superior
genital tract including the different evolutionary phases of the infectious process, as
well as the involvement of any of its locations, the inflammation of the Fallopian
tubes is the commonest way. This entity may to appear in any moment during the
reproductive life of woman, but it is much higher the risk of appearance during
adolescence and youth accepting that in those aged of 20 it is three times greater
than the group aged of 25-29. The great frequency of this disease in adolescents
and young peoples is explained among other things, by the close association
between the sexual transmited desease (STD) and the PID; nowadays it is
considered that in more than 90 % of all the PIDs is present a recent episode of
STD. As it is fully known, the practice of risky sexual behaviors is a common feature
in these ages thus this sector of population is in a higher risk of STD, PID and its
sequelae. In present review we try to approach the problem of PDI in adolescents
with an integral overview and also with the update that this subject need, as well as
its proper diagnosis and management to promote and to protect the sexual and
reproductive health of this important population sector.
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