2012, Number 2
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Revista Cubana de Obstetricia y Ginecología 2012; 38 (2)
Characterization of the severe mother morbility in an Intensive Care Unit
Acevedo RO, Sáez CV, Pérez AA, Alcina PS
Language: Spanish
References: 27
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Introduction: the admission in the intensive care unit is a marker of extremely severe maternal mortality and an important tool to reduce the morbidity and mortality in obstetric patients with complications.
Objectives: to characterize the maternal morbidity in an intensive care unit related to the admission causes.
Methods: a retrospective study was conducted in 212 mothers admitted in the intensive care unit (icu) of the "enrique cabrera: hospital, habana, 2008-2009. data wer4 collected from medical records, the admission diagnosis was taken as the dependent variable. for qualitative variables authors used percentages and chi2-test and for the quantitative ones the t-test, using the statistic spss-11.5 system.
Results: there were admitted 133 patients (62.7 %) by non-obstetric causes and 79 (36.3 %) by obstetric causes where these last ones included hypertensive disorders (16.5 %), obstetric hemorrhage (14.2 %) and sepsis (6.1 %) and the more frequent non-obstetric ones included respiratory disorders (19.8 %), a complicated postoperative period (9 %) and cardiovascular disorders (5.7 %). From the total of patients, the 49.6 % was 20-24 years old. In the non-obstetric admissions there was predominance of nullipara for a 24.5 % and the pregnants, 40.6 % vs 21 %. but in the obstetric ones prevailed the puerperants ones, 33 % vs 1.9 % (p= 0.000). The 37.3 % of non-obstetric admissions had chronic diseases vs 9.9 % (p= 0.000). The 23.1 % of patients had complications greater in non-obstetric admissions, 14.6 % vs 8.5 % (p= 0.000). Ventilation rate was of 6.1 % and the general stay was of 4.8 ± 4.4 days.
Conclusions: there was predominance of admissions by non-obstetric causes and in the postpartum. Admission by obstetric causes had more complications.
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