2012, Number 1
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Revista Habanera de Ciencias Médicas 2012; 11 (1)
Nutrition and pregnancy: some general aspects for their correct handling in the health primary care
Cruz ACC, Cruz SL, López MM, Diago GJ
Language: Spanish
References: 20
PDF size: 45.31 Kb.
Introduction: Malnutrition is a health problem worldwide. The implications of this situation on maternal and child health are very serious because insufficient weight gain during pregnancy and anemia bring about Low Birth Weight, and it means an increase of morbimortality in the first year of life.
Objective: To reflect basic aspects of nutrition and pregnancy for their correct handling in the health primary care.
Material and Methods: A bibliographical revision was carried out by means of the consultation of databases, as MEDLINE, IBECS, Scielo, Who with the use of describers like nutrition, maternal-infantile health, anemia, under weight.
Conclusion: Concrete data of great importance on the nutrition of the pregnant and their influence in the health of the same ones and the product of the gestation were given.
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