2012, Number 1
Clinical epidemiological characteristics of HIV/AIDS people in the Arroyo Naranjo municipality. 1988-2008
Language: Spanish
References: 17
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In spite of the advances in the world initiatives to approach the epidemic, the AIDS continues challenging our efforts. Material and method: A retrospective and descriptive study on HIV/aids population was carried out in Arroyo Naranjo municipality from 1988 to December 2008. Results: Increases in the rates of incidence per year in relation to HIV and aids case were evidenced. The biggest number of cases are men. The most affected age group was from 25 to 29 years and there is a high percent of unoccupied people. The clinical premiere showed up in groups older with progressive increment for five year period. The wasting syndrome was the most frequent indicative illnesses of aids. The rate of mortality showed descending tendency. Conclusions: The HIV/aids population of Arroyo Naranjo municipality maintains rates of incidence for year upward; It prevails in the men and in young ages, the premiere later is most frequent in bigger ages and the wasting syndrome is frequent indicative illnesses of AIDS.REFERENCES
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