2012, Number 601
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Rev Med Cos Cen 2012; 69 (601)
Amenorrea primaria en adolescentes un abordaje práctico
Morales LR
Language: Spanish
References: 14
Page: 101-105
PDF size: 230.66 Kb.
Spontaneous amenorrhea is the absence of menstruation in women of reproductive age. Amenorrhea in adolescents has traditionally been divided into primary and secondary. Primary amenorrhea is diagnosed if a patient has normal secondary sexual characteristics but no menarche at 16 years of age, or if a patient has no secondary sexual characteristics and menarche at 14 years of age; Primary amenorrhea has a prevalence of 3% in adolescents in the United States. Its etiology is variable as shown in Table 1 and for a proper diagnosis it requires a thorough history and appropriate physical examination, the help of laboratory tests and imaging studies complementary. The treatment of primary amenorrhea depends on the cause. The main objective is to ensure that normal puberty is happening. Clearly the normal menstrual cycle involves a complex interaction between the hypothalamic-pituitaryovarian, so any disruption in this interaction can cause menstrual disorders.
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Neville H. golden, Jennifer L. Carlson. The Pathophysiology of Amenorrhea in the Adolescent. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences.2008. 1135:163-178.
Paula J. Adams, Helen R. Deitch. Menstrual Disorders in the College Age Female . Pediatric Clinics of North America 52 . 2005. Pp179-197.
Tarannum M. Hunter, Diana L. Heiman. Amenorrhea: Evaluation and Treatment.American Academy of family Physicians.2006. vol73, n°8, pp1374-1383.
Tim Child. Investigation and treatment of primary amenorrhea. Obstetrics, Gynaecology and Reproductive Medicine. 2010. 21: 2, pp31-35.