2012, Number 2
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Revista Habanera de Ciencias Médicas 2012; 11 (2)
Preventive medicine in the primary attention of health
García PAA, García BF
Language: Spanish
References: 13
PDF size: 112.22 Kb.
Introduction: Four types of medical preventions are discussed in this study namely: Primary, Secondary, Tertiary and Quaternary.
Objective: It is our desire to convey the fundamental aspects of the Preventive Medicine in order to improve the health of all people.
Method: Numerous previously published works by local and international experts in this field were used in the preparation of this endeavour.
Evolution: The concepts of promotion, education, and prevention are defined. The advance in the medical attention increase when these actions are implemented. Also, consideration is given to the effort interjectorily since it is known that the health problem demands solutions beyond the scope of the health sector alone. Therefore, other sectors such as the political, social, economic and environment are also considered. It is considered that the aging of the population because there is a view that promotion, education and prevention could apply to all ages. Favourable results are obtained when persons of advance age are included.
Conclusions: Parameters in normal adults and the auto care are also included in the study. It is clear that scientific update is indispensable in medical practice for the ongoing development of the medical science.
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