2012, Number 1
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Rev Cub Med Mil 2012; 41 (1)
Metabolic response in trauma
Rodríguez ND, Rodríguez AM, Alfonso ALE, Castellanos PE, Reyes MML, Quintana RM
Language: Spanish
References: 34
Page: 96-104
PDF size: 142.14 Kb.
Traumatic aggression leads to significant metabolic processes, in proportion to the
intensity of the aggression suffered, and although these are more obvious in the
first weeks after trauma, they remain and demand an appropriate nutritional support. The characteristics and the different phases of systemic response to
trauma are described. Also, authors make reference to the interaction neuroendocrine-
immune in the response and to the metabolic consequences after injury,
determined by means of the updated revision of documents and of national and
international journals to deepen in the study of the major metabolic alterations
triggering the trauma. The abilities of the organism to survive, when occur a
significant trauma, may be enough, hence the need of support which is decisive. To
understand the elements described in the immuno-metabolic response and the
septic complication, are vital, as well as the control of alterations after injury.
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