2012, Number 1
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Rev Cub Med Mil 2012; 41 (1)
Immune response in trauma
Rodríguez ND, Rodríguez AM, Alfonso ALE, Castellanos PE, Reyes MML, Quintana RM
Language: Spanish
References: 35
Page: 87-95
PDF size: 143.31 Kb.
During past decades, trauma has been the major cause of death in persons aged
under 45. As an expression of advance of researches in the field of traumatology,
nowadays there is more interest in the analysis and comprehension of immunologic
processes with repercussion in course and confrontation of organism to injuries,
determining the final prognosis of these patients influencing inexorably in the
appearance of complications, mainly of infectious type, as major causes of the so
called late deaths due to trauma. The characteristic and the main elements
conforming the immune system, the close relation among the different components
of the called psycho-neuro-immune-endocrine integration system and its function in
face of stress, as well as the immune dysfunction after a severe damage are
evidenced to deepen in the study of phenomena characterizing the immune
alterations after a trauma. Thus, authors carried out a revision from the printed
reference indexes, journals and national and international updated texts on this
subject. We conclude that traumata lead to immunosuppression and
hyperactivation, thus the immunomodulation must to includes not only the
restoration of depressed immune responses, but also the regulation of exaggerated
immune responses when it is necessary.
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