2012, Number 1
Incidence and prevalence of high blood pressure registered at the High Blood Pressure World Day-2011: Experience of a working party
Language: Spanish
References: 22
Page: 25-34
PDF size: 163.22 Kb.
Introduction: A cross-sectional study was conducted in two institutions: The National Management of Recreation and Sports National Institute and in the "Dr. Manuel Fajardo" Physical Culture Faculty of La Habana at the High Blood Pressure World Day.Objectives: To determine the frequency of hypertensive patients (known and new) and the pre-hypertensive ones, the percentage of patients treated and controlled as well as the presence of excess weight among those with a normal blood pressure and the hypertensive ones, as well as to demonstrate also the significance that each person knows which is its blood pressure and its risk.
Methods: Authors studied 730 patients of both sexes with predominance of the young athletes who voluntarily answered the survey, measuring the blood pressure. A form including the select variables was fill out: age, sex, height, weight, if they know on its hypertensive status, if they were receiving drug treatment and the blood pressure figures found. A database was created using the SPSS statistic system of Window 2007. Results were expressed in absolute frequencies and percentages.
Results: The 58.5 % corresponded to male sex. Age distribution in the three percentiles used showed an open predominance of young people (50 %). From the 730 polled subjects, 114 (15.6 %) knew its hypertensive status (15,4 % of men and 16.2 % of women), 106 (14.5 %) were classified as pre-hypertensives and 35 (4.8 %) as new hypertensives. From the 114 known hypertensive, 91 (61.7%) were under treatment and 87 were controlled (58.4 % of total and the 95.6 % of those treated) and 62 no-controlled (41.6 % of total and 4.4 % of those treated). From the hypertensive ones, 82 (77 %) were aged 19-49, the 40 % of them had excess weight, whereas 24 (23 %) were aged 50 or more, but with a 70 % of excess weight. The excess weight/obese was present in 271 (37.2 %) of polled persons (55.6 % in the hypertensive and 39.4 % in those normotensives) a figure under 42.6 % of the national mean.
Conclusions: The celebration of the High Blood Pressure World Day helps to increase the level of perception of risk of this disease, the active screening detects the non-diagnosed cases and allows to increase the knowledge on the control level achieved in hypertensive treated, the excess weight/obesity is more frequent among hypertensive ones.
Castillo Y, Chávez R, Alfonzo JP. Incidencia y prevalencia de hipertensión arterial registrada en el Día Mundial de la Hipertensión. Experiencia de un grupo de trabajo. Rev Cubana Med. 2011;50(3). [citado 7 de julio 2011]. Disponible en: http://scielo.sld.cu/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0034-75232011000300002&lng=es&nrm=iso&tlng=es
Vázquez Vigoa A, Fernández Arias MA, Cruz Álvarez NM, Roselló Y, Pérez Caballero D. Percepción de la hipertensión arterial como factor de riesgo. Aporte del día mundial de lucha contra la hipertensión arterial. Rev Cubana Med. 2006;45(3): jul-sep. ISSN 0034-7523. [citado 7 de julio 2011]. Disponible en: http://scielo.sld.cu/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0034-75232006000300001&lng=es&nrm=iso&tlng=es