2011, Number 3
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Rev Cubana Invest Bioméd 2011; 30 (3)
Validation of an in vivo method to assess the diuretic activity
Pérez MM, Sueiro OML, Boffill CMA, Morón RFJ, Marrero FE
Language: Spanish
References: 25
Page: 332-344
PDF size: 291.70 Kb.
To supply a in vivo pharmacological model to determine the diuretic activity of
medicinal plants, aqueous extracts were prepared from dry drug of 8 medicinal
plants with diuretic activity attributed by the Cuban traditional medicine, but there
was an experimental validation. Eighty Sprague-Dawley eight male rats were
random distributed at a rate of eight rats by group: positive controls (20 mg/kg
furosemide and 10 mg/kg hydrochlorothiazide); negative control (NaCI 0.9 %) and
8 groups treated with aqueous extracts from plants supplied by oral route at doses
of 400 mg/kg, on the base of determination of total solids. Dose was completed
with physiological saline solution to achieve a hydrosaline overload with a total
volume of constant administration of 40 mL/kg of weight lives. Rats were placed in
metabolic cages measuring the volumes of urine extracted at ½, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6
h post-administration and the electrolytes concentrations (Na+ and K+) in total
urine collected at 24 h. It was noted that all the treated groups increased the urine
volume in relation to negative control group. Urinary excretion, diuretic action and
activity were higher in experimental groups: Persea Americana Miller (similar to
Furosemide) and Cassia alata L, Zanthoxylum fagara L. (similar to thiazides).
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