2010, Number 2
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Enfermería Universitaria 2010; 7 (2)
Educative intervention of nursering in the rehabilitation of an ostomized person
Pat CL, Espinosa EJM, Sánchez BMP, Cruz CO, Cano GMA, Rivas JG, Hernández CS
Language: Spanish
References: 12
Page: 9-14
PDF size: 115.91 Kb.
Introduction: The increase of the number of people, who have a stoma, brings the necessity to have capacitated personal to give them the necessary tools or elements for their reintegration to social and labor life. So that is why it is very important and necessary to analyze the effect that has an educative intervention of nursering in the rehabilitation of people in a kindness context.
Method: The method is about a cuasi- experimental and transversal study. The sample was created with the help of one hundred and ten people from four different hospitals. All of these people were given an instrument that was recognized by experts in the area. For the analysis of data, it was used a descriptive statistic of the use of χ2.
Results: In the results we can observe an important difference between the educative intervention and the labor rehabilitation (p=0.000). It was also observed an important statistic difference between the educative intervention and the family and social rehabilitation (p.=0.000).
Discussion: In agreement with Montovani, the lack of information, education, and communication, prevents the patient from participating actively in their self-care, and according to Boccardo, the majority of ostomized patients, do not fully return to their normal activities.
Conclusions: It is supported that the educative participation by plannifying, standarizing and evaluating people is important to obtain their rehabilitation.
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