2011, Number 3
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Enfermería Universitaria 2011; 8 (3)
Level of knowledge among adolescents on the Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
Jiménez RA, Jiménez GF, Tenahua QI, Grajales AI
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 13-20
PDF size: 178.51 Kb.
The United Nation Joint Program of the United Nations Organization to inform that 33.3 millions of persons in the world lived with VIH to the end of 2009. In México exist 200,000 persons with VIH/SIDA. Oaxaca hold the fourth position of case of SIDA in the southeast in adolescents. The discipline of nursing can broach this problem through it promotion and prevention of the disease in the adolescents that to lie in place zone rurals.
Objective. To identify the level of knowledge that to have the adolescents children’s of parents migrants about the one VIH/SIDA of a community rural of Oaxaca.
Methodology. The study were descriptive transverse. The simple were of 37 adolescents both sexs. Children´s of parents migrants. The ethic of study to considers the Rules Health General Law of México.
Results. The 91.2% of sample to present knowledge regulars; the 2.9% knowledge good and the 5.9% knowledge bads.
Discussion and conclusion. The results to coincide with others researchs. However the majority part of these to them the used in a context urban, this to limited prevention of VIH/SIDA in zones rurals. The adolescents had Knowledge regulars and the study to permit to demonstrate problems that can be broach by the discipline of nursing.
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