2004, Number 3
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Rev Enferm IMSS 2004; 12 (3)
Clinical Aptitude of nursing students in the mother and infant process of care
Rivera-Ruiz MS, Viniegra-Velázquez L, Matus-Miranda R
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 137-146
PDF size: 108.99 Kb.
Introduction: On education, teaching role has been outstanding independently of the student performance.
Objective: To compare effects of an educational strategy between both, one that promotes an active participation against the traditional method on nursing bachelor students.
Material and Methods: A cuasi-experimental study was performed with 2 natural groups from the third-semester nursing bachelor students. On the 24 students experimental-group was applied an educational strategy which promotes the active participation, and on the 28 students control group was developed the traditional educational strategy. The first one was based on individual tasks (out of class), and into the classroom with round table and plenary debates. The second one was developed basically with expositive techniques, with the traditional teacher and student performances. To estimate the advances in clinical aptitude, a measurement instrument was elaborated and validated.
Results: At the before and after measurements from each group, using the Mann-Withney test, statistical significant increments on the experimental group were observed for each item. And on the measurement between the group elements, using the Wilcoxon & Kruskall Wallis test, there were changes in 2 indicators with a significant value of p ‹ 0.001. On the contrary, for the CG (control group), there were not significant differences and only the VI indicator shows a variation of p ‹ 0.001.
Discussion: It is fundamental emphasizing that the differences shown in the GE are stronger when they are contrasted with the GC, which shows an inferior score on the evaluated items throughout an instrument that involve the student capabilities in order to distinguish a wide diversity of clinical situations.
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