2012, Number 2
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Rev Cubana Farm 2012; 46 (2)
Proposal of adaptation of the sheet of pharmaceutical history of Dáder method for learners
Carvalho AL, Sanae SL, Freitas KM, Radighieri RR, Cristina SL, Moreira MLA
Language: Spanish
References: 11
Page: 224-239
PDF size: 82.61 Kb.
Introduction: Freitas & Marques proposed a sheet of pharmacotherapeutical history (SPH) in 2008: the Dáder adaptation (DA).
Objective: this study was aimed at evaluating the applicability of DA compared with Dáder.
Methods: the sheets of pharmacotherapeutical history (SPH) were applied to chronic users of drugs by pharmacy students. At the end, interviewers attributed scores ranged from 0 to 5 points to various aspects of their applicability. The completeness or not of the collected data was also evaluated.
Results: the two SPH were equivalent, because there was no statistically significant difference for the three questions about the applicability.
Conclusions: In the context of pharmaceutical care, this new sheet of pharmacotherapeutical history offers possibilities to choose the one that best fits the needs of the pharmacist.
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